Looney, Looney, Chadwell & Hamby, PLLC, is the oldest, continuously operating law firm on the Plateau, located at the crossroads of the Upper Cumberland, namely, Crossville, Tennessee. Charles Keyes founded the firm on Main Street in 1937. The firm later became Keyes, Redmond & Swafford when J.B. Redmond and Hoyt Swafford joined, respectively. Subsequently, with the arrival of Thomas E. Looney, and then, later, Joe M. Looney, the firm became Swafford, Looney, & Looney. In the intervening years since Mr. Keyes founded his practice, the firm has grown to represent clients in areas of the law that Mr. Keyes could not have imagined. Looney, Looney, Chadwell & Hamby, PLLC, now provides general legal services in all state and federal courts in the State of Tennessee and advises regional and national clients in a multitude of areas including real estate development, real estate management, natural resource development, municipal law and utility law, to name a few of its many practice areas.
Today, Looney, Looney, Chadwell & Hamby, PLLC, is recognized as a leading full service law firm in the Upper Cumberland and provides an ever-expanding range of services for individuals and organizations of all types. Its practice areas include commercial and banking law, formation of corporations and other entities, trust and estate administration, probate and estate planning. The firm’s real estate practice handles a wide variety of real estate transactions, from single family residential purchases and large commercial real estate transactions to regional land sales and acquisitions, along with a wide variety of real estate litigation matters.
Our goal is to provide the best possible results for our clients by providing quality services at reasonable rates and applying the depth of knowledge and experience that arises from almost a century of service.